Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Shared Practice Velocity Part I responses Assignment

Shared Practice Velocity Part I responses - Assignment Example On the other hand, if managers would also focus keenly on getting more to what they have in terms of competence and skills, it will be another effective way to fix bottle necks at the workplace. This can easily be done through capacity creation at the workplace (Senge, 2006). Reading about how you combined systematic flow with business model was very interesting and I believe this was in the right place. I however believe strongly that if you had found a way of combining this directly with the issue of velocity discussed by Jacob, it would have made your arguments more resounding. The reason for this alternative suggestion is that in most cases, managers tend to think that the application of the three continuous improvement methods and thus velocity is only necessary when they are faced with the need to go directly into production (Mankelow, 2011). I however do not think this is the right way to approach continuous improvement. The concept of velocity can be made part of the very organizational culture of companies so that the need to avoid waste will be a continuous process as success within the organization must be a prompt and ever existing concept (Hsu & Sun,

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